4158 Albany Post Rd
Hyde Park, New York 12538

You may have heard the word Ayurveda used in your yoga class or started to see it pop up in your magazines. In this workshop you will find out what you need to know about the sister science to Yoga called Ayurveda is all about. Learn how to change your diet to the season (ritucharya) and your daily routine (dinacharya). Take a little test (it is fun to do and there is no studying:) to determine what dosha you are (vata, pitta, kapha) or if you are all three! In the workshop there will be some yoga to go along with the diet to incorporated into your daily routine. If you are looking to get healthy and lose weight this is the best health routine to be on! Ayurevda is common sense medicine that really helps keep your health in check.

Official Website: http://www.yogawithkeriann.com

Added by kalishivarocks on September 19, 2011

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