569 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10022

Tara's gifts of intuition and healing will help you to uncover the sacred mystery of your own physical body and the purpose that pain, illness
and disease have served in your life. Learn how to connect with your body and it's ability to heal
on a deeper level, through intuitive awareness exercises, body dialoguing, somatic release,
meditation, bio-energetics and more. This powerful session will assist you in identifying and releasing old, stuck, bound energies within the body that may be preventing you from living your healthiest life. Each session will include a whole body healing to balance out all of the body's systems and levels of the energy field, as well as a diagnosis of excess and deficiency in each chakra/energy center of the body. Each Medical Intuitive Reading is audiotaped for the clients benefit at no additional cost. Call Tara today to schedule your life affirming session at 860-202-9390. Space is limited.

Added by healdesoul on January 7, 2009