1000 L Street
Modesto, California 95354

Modesto's Largest Bridal Show

The 7th Annual International Wedding Festival

held annually at the Modesto Centre Plaza


Plan Your Big Day in Just One Day

The largest bridal show in Modesto! Under one roof, you will find rows and rows of the Valley's most elite talent for your special day! Find photographers, DJ's, Limos, Event Planners, Florists, Bakeries, Honeymoons, and hundreds of ideas!


$250,000 Bridal Bucks & Annual Grab the Gown Event

Get $1000 Bridal Bucks when you arrive at the International Wedding Festival! The IWF will distribute $250,000 Bridal Bucks to be spent on the things that you need most for your wedding.

The first 100 brides will also receive a pair of beautiful pearl earrings compliments of Yonan's Floral


Fashion Show

Be sure to see our award winning fashion show right here in Modesto while you view the hottest trends of 2013 provided by David's Bridal and Rossini Formalwear. You will get your party started with Sound Express DJ's and the IWF Entertainment dancers for the best fashion show ever!

Guys! You didn't think we would forget about you! Come check out the most stylish array of tuxedos and suits. You want to look your best! In every style and color you will find the best styles at the International Wedding Festival fashion show. Trust me, you'll love it (but we won't tell anyone).

ALL Wedding Gowns for as little as $50

For one day only, brides will find wedding gowns for $50-599 each!



Visit KHOP's website to see details about the 2013 Bridal Idol Contest hosted by KHOP and the International Wedding Festival! Winner will receive a wedding package valued at more than $25,000!


Show Schedule
•10:30a Show Registration Begins
•11:00a Event Doors Open / Let the Planning Commence!
•3:00p Fashion Show, Bridal Idol & Grand Prizes
•4ish Event Ends



Travel Center
901 Carpenter Road


Ciccarelli Jewelers
3200 Sisk Road


Added by Modesto Bridal Show on November 17, 2012