235 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario

Come hear Inger Frimansson, HÃ¥kan Nesser and Helene Tursten read from their most recent works published in Canada.

Kjell Eriksson
Kjell Eriksson was born in Uppsala, Sweden, where all of his novels take place.

Inger Frimansson
Inger Frimansson is one of Sweden's most celebrated mystery writers. Her works Good Night, my Love and The Shadow in the Water were named Best Mystery Novel of the Year by the Swedish Academy of Mystery Authors in 1998 and 2005 respectively.

HÃ¥kan Nesser
HÃ¥kan Nesser has written twelve novels and is published in twenty five countries. He won the Swedish Crime Writers' Academy Prize for best novel in 1994 for Borkmann's Point and again in 1996 for Woman with a Birthmark.

Helene Tursten
Helene Tursten was a nurse and a dentist before becoming a writer. Her seven books about detective inspector Irene Huss have been translated into multiple languages.

Official Website: http://www.readings.org/?q=weekly%2Finger_frimansson_hakan_nesser_helene_tursten

Added by bytepusher on April 7, 2007