375 E. Harmon
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

You don't want to miss this history making Convention.

This is the first time that two Barbershop Harmony Society Districts have joined together to conduct a contest for eligibility to go to the International Convention and Contest happening in Anahiem, CA in July, and it will make these contests extra special.

As a one time treat the Far Western District is adding a Small Chorus Contest and the Rockie Mountain District is planning a Very Large Quartet (VLQ) contest.

There is also the totally exciting High School Quartet Contest on Saturday, so come out and support your favorite Quartet.

The Las Vegas Valley will be represented by four Quartets in this contest. Come cheer for them!

Official Website: http://www.spebsqsafwd.org/events/LasVegas/Index.html

Added by gunny_bass on March 16, 2009



It seems that the Barber shoppers should give some kind of a break on those ticket prices for wwII vets and local seniors......we would love to enjoy the singing and performances but can't swing fifty bucks plus all the other expenses

Interested 1