1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

Tired of the same old seasonings for your grilling experience? We’ll teach you the techniques behind using the grill as a flavor enhancer! Learn some new and unusual dry rubs and marinades, including a Moroccan dry rub for lamb kebabs, a fresh tandoori marinade for chicken, and a delectable Tandoori style chicken.

You will learn:

Cajun Dry Rubs and Blackening on Sirloin
The most fragrant Thai Lemongrass Marinade on Red-Eye Tuna
Tandoori Yogurt and Lime Marinated Chicken
Moroccan Smoked Paprika Lamb Kebabs
Grilled Pound Cake, seasonal fruit on skewers with Rum Glaze

Added by Well Done Cooking Classes Housto on July 16, 2012