900 Walnut St.
Boulder, Colorado 80302

An academic conference focused on blogging and other online social media.

This is a merging of the W3C conference's Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem and AAAI's Symposium on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs.

Official Website: http://icwsm.org/

Added by ryansking on June 3, 2006



Why does everything have to be in March?


something to do with the Ides of March, perhaps?


God Dammit. Could they have picked a worse week? People are obviously going to choose eTech over this. :(


Anyone interested in trying to organize a mini BarCamp to coincide with the conference?


BarCampBoulder II is a go for the weekend after the conference. Stick around and have some fun! barcamp.org/barcampboulder