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Colombo, Western

Tourism is one of the most popular buzz word throughout the world. Surprisingly international tourism industry hit one billion tourists level across international boundaries in 2012.Specially Europe, Asia pacific, America, Middle east and Africa regions are been highly exposed to international tourists during the last time period. Leisure and Holiday based international tours are more visible and dominant in modern international tourism industry. Most of the countries today promoting their tourism to achieve their economic and social targets. Very important to concise why should tourism matters to world economy this much.9% of world GDP coming from international tourism while one out of twelve have been employed in tourism related industries. International tourism industry been represented 6% of world trade. With all of these credits International tourism has been became as one of the most important and critical factor in world trade and business as well as in international researches. Papers investigating international tourism and hospitality industry are encouraged for submission in ICOHT 2013.

Tourism and hospitality industry itself exposed to number of hot marketing strategies and tourism itself convert as a hotspot to strategy makers. In nature environment poses number of challengers to strategy makers and push them to applying tactics and strategies to overcome those barriers. Different regions and countries are experiencing almost same barriers but in different nature and different scale . Hence very difficult to apply some theories in to practise with some local contexts. These challengers are encourage researchers to carry out more studies to find out the most applying tactics with their local context. Offering different product, pricing ,distribution and promotional messages to diverse segments becomes more complex and hot. Top of the above specially tourism industry using some more tactics to deliver higher level of expectations. partnerships, packaging, programming, positioning, people, planning are the other tactical elements which has being using in tourism industry. This new concept relating to tourism call as “tourism marketing mix” or 10 P’s. All of these elements could be able to apply to attract tourists and develop tourism industry.

Number of new form of tourism has been immerged during last few decades. Medical tourism, agro tourism, eco tourism ,heritage tourism, educational tourism, rural tourism are few of the new form of tourism which have been emerged recently. but sustainability of those are questionable and debatable with some dark side of new emerging forms of tourism. Digital media, online and Mobil technologies become as sophisticated distribution media in modern tourism industry and transformation of traditional distribution channel to digital and modern channels may lead to number of contemporary issues. tourist’s, tour operators’ and tour agent’s role in the industry getting confused and concept of “disintermediary” could based for lot of studies.

Promotion activities related to tourism become more popular with increasing competiveness in industry. Branding and promoting as a country and destination branding concept arrived rather than attempting to brand single companies and agencies. Most of the companies have identified that Use of Digital, online, Mobil and social media technologies to promote destination more fruitful in destination branding rather than using traditional mode of promotional techniques. partnerships and other form of collaboration between companies and countries could seems more effective than playing as single man in the field. Also human interaction in tourism industry and hospitality industry could help to give more tangible value to existing service. Extra ordinary tourist experience ,memorable tourist experience and quality of tourist experience become as more popular and interesting with the way of renaming the tourism marketing from service marketing to experience marketing.

The International conference on Hospitality and Tourism Marketing welcome papers which address tourism and hospitality based challengers and strategies. Encourage submissions regarding emerging markets that develop theory, identify and address shortcomings in the generalizability of widely-accepted theory or findings, or highlight unexamined or under-researched topics tourism conference.

Official Website: http://tourismconference.co/

Added by Ruwan pradeep Sampath on April 10, 2013