250 Somerset Street East
Ottawa, Ontario

Join our excellent slate of organic gardening experts to learn and share knowledge on the secrets of tending organically. Topics include:

* Why go organic?
* Soil building, organic vegetables and natural pest management
* Yard management without chemicals
* Growing herbs for culinary and medicinal use
* Heritage and hybrid seeds, seed saving, and the worldwide seed crisis
* Harvesting and preserving organic produce
* Extending the growing season

Sponsored by Canadian Organic Growers (Ottawa Chapter), Just Food, and the City of Ottawa

Wednesdays, April 23 & 30 and May 7 & 14 7:00 to 9:00 pm

$62.50 for 4-week course (TBC) $25 per 2 hour session

Information: COG-Ottawa (613) 244-4000, Ext. 5
Registration: Bruno at Sandy Hill Community Centre, (613) 564-1062

Official Website: http://www.cog.ca/ottawa/index.html#intermediategardening

Added by Anijunga on March 20, 2008

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