All cities, Maharashtra

On the eve of Children’s Day, Bhangimaa organizes all India Level INTER SCHOOL CREATIVE WRITING COMPETITION 2012 for school students from classes IV to XII. This massive competition is arranged under the initiative called YUVA (Youths’ Unheard Voice Arena), which is a platform for unleashing youths’ voice, thoughts, dreams and expectations for change and development. Different classes are categorized with different segments of writing like:

Poem Writing
Essay Writing
Short Story Writing
Feature Writing

During the competition, each class could select anyone topic of their choice amongst the mentioned three topics. Prizes would be announced class wise, i.e. three prizes for each class. Participation of each students would also contribute to community service, which would in turn help us to make a difference on the specific day. Come, let’s all together make a difference on the occasion of the CHILDREN’S DAY and make our voice read and advocated amongst the millions.

Official Website:

Added by BHANGIMAA - Society for ARTS on September 21, 2012