Alright, heads up and hear the call
it's time to pump the volume
and make sure that you are all
ready to participate in the fate we create
in the temporary autonomous zone
our tribal village -Camp Elph-in-stone!!
Intention 7 on the Sunshine Coast BC, Canada
Thurs.Dec.29-Monday Jan 2
Intention Retreat enters its 7th cycle. Begun pre-y2k as a tribal dance community response of unity in the face of the unknown future, the retreat continues to hold a space for us to reflect on where you are now and where you want to go empowered by collectivity and creativity. During this time we put our energies into one container to make manifest the world we want to live in within a temporary automous zone (T.A.Z.). Expect workshops, presentations, performances, collaborations,dance labs,innovative yoga formats,meditation space,film screenings, lots of music and massive networking! And of course expect a New Years Eve celebration that brings in 2006 without the alchohol vibe and with lots of collective fuel for setting our intentions ablaze. The first night of 2006 will again feature a Temple night set to chill music perfect for entering the year with warm heartfuls of love.
This year Intention returns to the Sunshine Coast to its familiar home at Camp Elphinstone. This is a 40 minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay which is about a 30minute drive from Vancouver BC. With 3 years of experience with this site, the possibilities for this year are exciting to consider though anticipated to be challenging considering what we know of the expansive grounds we need to manage safely. The post-apocalyptic training skills inherant in this exercise of tribal unity are part of the draw of this event, giving participants an opportunity to learn what it takes to hold things together in all kinds of weather. Think not rave camp and think more like Jedi Training Camp. In this event the production team does the bare skeleton work but everyone in attendance makes up the functioning limbs and sinews to make the event what it will be. With a goal of encompassing multiple generations of participants from infant to elderly it is encouraged that all people coming out consider who they would most love to share this experience with and how can the most bridging of the generation divide occur. Special attention given to the young and the old to make this accessable is a forefront goal as we consider what we can learn from both of these generations.
The process begins with igniting community imagination stations which function to invision the possibilties of what can be done with the resources we have as a tribe. From here pods break into formations to prepare between now and Dec.29 allowing relationships and trust to form before we arrive at Camp Elphinstone. Outer participants from outside the 604 area code will be able to attune to the pulse of things in movement and form remote efforts either as individuals or with their hometribes attending. Updates will be posted regularly to keep people apprised of how best to prepare.
holds multi-fold purposes. Most importantly it helps the camp and everyone going to prepare adequately for the volume of attendees anticipated. Secondly it serves as an important orientation and it gives people more time to prepare themselves and increases participation in advance. Thirdly, it lessens the stress of those few who end up having to register people who show up last minute. Learning to pre-register will enable a practice that enhances the dance community at large who relies a lot on pre-registration to survive at doing the events we love.
As in past years, registration will take place at the regular community meetings (see below for schedule details).
Registration closes December 22nd. Limited subsidies will be available. Details will be in the registration package and on the I7 website.
Please note that Camp Elphinstone requires each registrant to sign a waiver indicating that they understand this is a drug and alcohol-free event.
Vancouver Community Meetings:
venue: Olduvai (930 Station St. Just one street east of Main/Prior behind the Old American Pub)
Sunday Nov.20 : 12noon to 4pm
Tuesday Nov.29 : 7pm to 10
Sunday Dec.11 : 1pm to 5pm
Sunday Dec.18 : 1pm to 5pm
Tuesday Dec.20 : 7pm to 10
Sunshine Coast Community Meetings:
Monday Nov 21: &pm - 10pm
future meeting dates will be listed on the I7 website.
Location for Nov 21st meeting: 975 Cheryl-Ann Park Rd
Coming from Gibsons on Lower Roberts Creek Road, take a right up Cheryl -
Ann. Go up the hill around the bend. We are a large white house on the
left-hand side.
More info: email Romina at [email protected] or Sobey at [email protected]
also check out the "Sunshine Coast Intention Orientation" thread on the Intention 7 forum at
Victoria / Vancouver Island Community Meetings:
Sun Nov 27, 6pm
(From "Intention Retreat" tribe on "A gathering to connect and join as a Victoria tribe with potluck and muziqul jam, sunday, november 27th @ 6pm! gracious Nejmah has offered space to hold the gathering and a place to stay for anyone out of town wanting to attend the registration night.
119 Cambridge Street (down Cook St, through the village, turn left on May St, and right on Cambridge St, then 1.5 blocks up)
check out the "Victoria Intention Orientations" thread on the Intention 7 forum at for details of times and places.
Folks from Further Away:
If you live out of town then you can mail in your registration, waiver and payment.
A registration package will be available on the Intention 7 website very soon for you to download, print and snail mail in. The address for snail mail will also be posted there.
This year the camp is charging us per DAY - not per night. This means that each day you are registered for includes all meals from breakfast to dinner. This arrangement was necessary in order to keep costs as low as possible. Unfortunately it means no discounts if you arrive later or leave earlier in the day.
3 days 2 nights - $120
4 days 3 nights - $160
5 days 4 nights - $200
Children under 5 are free. Rates include all meals, accommodation in heated cabins, and hot showers.
This includes playing at the New Years Eve party itself, playing dinnertime sets or at other times during the event, or playing downtempo/ambient on the Temple Night on January 1st. Please see this page for further instructions, or email [email protected] unless your application is strictly to do with the Temple Night, in which case please email [email protected]
Registration inquiries can be sent to [email protected]
Register and Pay for Intention VII online - Deadline DEC 18
The steps to register and pay for Intention VII online are:
1. Print out the registration form and waiver, and fill them out
2. Scan the completed forms and email them to [email protected] (it's got to be your real signature on the waiver)
3. Go to []
4. Log in to your PayPal account, or create a PayPal account (anyone with a credit card can do this)
5. Pay [email protected] (Tribal Harmonix Collective) the total amount indicated on your registration form.
6. Show up at Intention VII and join all the beautiful Intention-ites
I'm working on getting a button onto the [] website so that people don't have to sign up for a PayPal account, and can simply make a purchase with their credit card. I don't know when that will be active (keep an eye on the site).
All the best! -Michael Bean, Registration Guy
love and light
the I7 registration team
Registration/Orientation Days/Evenings are:
Tues.Nov.8 : 7pm to 10
Sun.Nov.20 : 12noon to 4pm
Tues.Nov.29 : 7pm to 10
Sun.Dec.11 : 1pm to 5pm
Sun.Dec.18 : 1pm to 5pm
Tues.Dec.20 : 7pm to 10
@ Olduvai (930 Station St. Just one street east of Main/Prior behind the Old American Pub)
Stay tuned to the Intention 7 phorum on, the Intention Retreat tribe on (mainly for networking) and important updates on
All registration inquires go to [email protected]
Added by kk on December 23, 2005