995 Roswell Street, NE
Marietta, Georgia 30060

If you are curious about profitting from foreclosures, there are several things to learn about these properties so you don't waste time and lose money.

Gordan Catts is a seasoned foreclosure specialist that will be teaching you everything to look out for to be successful in finding and investing in foreclosure properties here in Atlanta and in other parts of the county.

This Atlanta real investing estate class includes special sites to use to help you with the process. The time you save by taking this course will far off-set the tiny investment.

Call 678-766-6666 today to secure your seat in this popular class. Considering the moving season is upon us, this class will likely fill up. Don't delay and lose your spot.

Visit www.ksatlanta.com and click the class calendar for more Atlanta real estate and other software and personal development classes. Mention this site and waive the $6 registration fee.

Official Website: http://knowledgeshopatlanta.com/class.cfm?classID=62

Added by hollnerpromos on May 3, 2009