828 W 6th Street
Austin, Texas 78703

About InnovationCamp

Innovation will be the defining challenge for business (and society) in America in the next 10+ years. Growth through innovation, not acquisition, will be the engine of value creation. GE understands this. P&G understands this. But there’s still a lot of learning to do all the way around the table. How does innovation work? How do corporations and independent entrepreneurs work together? Can innovation be outsourced?

Interested in mastering Innovation practice? We’re doing a mashup of executives, managers, entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, artists, anthropologists and others across disciplines to participate and collaborate—two essential ingredients of innovative thinking.

Following BarCamp rules:

* InnovationCamp is free and open to everyone
* Together, we’ll decide the agenda at the event itself
* No pitch zone: No sales presentations, but all experience, ideas, discussion and sponsors welcome
* Float ideas and thoughts in the wiki

Next steps

* Click "I'm going" above to sign up. (Or "I'm Watching" if you're a No or a Maybe.)
* Visit the InnovationCamp wiki for background and details – and share your ideas. (password = innov8)
* Check out the InnovationCamp blog for breaking news and comments.
* Join the InnovationCamp Google Group for discussions about Innovation practice.

Like smaller, high-pitched updates? Follow us on Twitter.

Added by toddsundsted on June 9, 2008



Sounds very cool. Lindsay and I will be there :)


One week to go! Time for the big push! Let's get the word out! We'll have two kinds of sessions: presentations (or panels) and problem/solution sessions. If you have ideas for either session, create a page on the wiki:



Oh noes we lost Walmarts, now what?! Such innovative minds. Not.


It's over! It's a wrap! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Feedback, thoughts, and follow-up are always welcome.
