Encina Hall 616 Serra Street Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305

From September 13-24, 2009, an inaugural class of global technology policy makers, public and private regional leaders, social entrepreneurs and innovation professionals will be immersed in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellows (IEF) Program at Stanford University. Because of the tremendous challenges during this time of global turbulence and transition, this program is especially valuable to support leaders are making strategic investments and decisions that will impact the future course of their organizations and regions.

World-Class Faculty
Designed and run by the Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE), this educational program features a world-class faculty team of more than 25 Stanford professors, Silicon Valley executives and regional leaders, including

* William Miller and Marguerite Gong Hancock (SPRIE, Institute for International Studies at Stanford)
* William P. Barnett and George Foster (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
* Robert Sutton and Tom Byers (Stanford School of Engineering)
* George Shultz, former U.S. Secretary of State
* The presidents of Stanford University, SRI International, and Joint Venture Silicon Valley

An Intensive Curriculum
Based on leading-edge research plus policy and industry expertise, the program will be intensive, with lectures, cases and hands-on workshops at Stanford. Topics will include:

* Building a Sustainable Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
* Cases of High Tech Regional Development in Asia and Europe
* Venture Capital Best Practices
* Emerging Trends for New Technologies: Green Tech

Beyond the Classroom
Outside the classroom, the Fellows will continue their immersion in Silicon Valley with on-site visits and executive briefings at iconic companies, venture capital firms, start-ups and research labs, such as Google, Cisco, Silicon Valley Bank,
BioX, and IDEO. Accepting participants by admission from the Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America, the IEF Program also offers a valuable opportunity for Fellows to network with elite peers from around the world.

SPRIE Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellows will experience a outstanding program at Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. Applications are due August 1, and early registration discounts apply. If you would like to find out more, please
visit the IEF website for full details about this unique opportunity

And of course, we would be happy to answer any questions you have about further details. We also encourage you to forward this mail to any associates who might be interested.

Key Takeaways
• Fundamental concepts and fresh insights on innovation and entrepreneurship for regions
• Practical approaches and tools for promoting innovation and strategic change
• Exposure to best practices from Silicon Valley and other leading high tech regions
• Experiences to improve analytical, communication, and leadership skills
• Development of a strong network of peers from different organizations and countries
• Toolkit for use during the program and to take back to your workplace, including seminar handouts and faculty video presentations to help apply the program insights to your organization
• Fellowship Certificate as Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellow at Stanford
Co-Directors, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fellows Program, Stanford University
Co-Editors, The Silicon Valley Edge (2000), Making IT: Asia's Rise in HIgh Tech, (2006), Greater China's Quest for Innovation (2008)

Marguerite Gong Hancock
SPRIE Associate Director, Stanford University

William F. Miller
Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management Emeritus, Stanford University

CONTACT: George Krompacky Program Coordinator Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE)
Encina Hall - East 301 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-3057 USA
Phone: 650.725.1885 Fax: 650.723.6530 [email protected]

For company sponsorship opportunities and benefits please contact George Krompacky

Official Website: http://sprie.stanford.edu/docs/entrepreneurship_fellows/

Added by IEF Stanford on June 11, 2009

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