300 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401

China invented paper, printing, the compass, and the seismograph, and was among the first countries to harness fossil fuels and map the stars. Within the context of its rise to global economic prominence, China hopes once again to lead the world in creative innovation.

Expanding on her recent five-part series from Public Radio International’s “The World”, Public Radio International Asia Correspondent Mary Kay Magistad will further examine the history of Chinese innovation and its implications for the future.

Join the Minnesota International Center and Public Radio International at the Central Library in downtown Minneapolis on Tuesday, April 6th for a fascinating conversation featuring one of the voices shaping the West’s understanding of contemporary China.

Innovation and China is presented by the Minnesota International Center and co-sponsored by Public Radio International and the Library Foundation of Hennepin County.

Added by hclipintern on March 22, 2010

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