605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

“Music is the Healing Force of the Universe”

InnerAttainment is a project that involves music, spoken word and poetry. The music is not in any one genre but includes African Rhythms, Jazz and Tone Poems. The group offers a musical meditation and soundscape that uses the healing power of spoken word, music and song. The group includes vocals, percussion (hand drums and small percussion instruments), woodwinds (saxophones, flutes) and other miscellaneous instruments. The emphasis is on the environment (air, water, trees, the sun and the stars) and the state of human beings and the world. The offering is a meditation for the healing of the mind, body and soul. It includes ritual that encourages the listener to relax and feel the positive vibration as the presentation unfolds. There are portions that encourage audience participation in order to enhance that “healing feeling”.

InnerAttaiment is Margaux Modimo (Vocals, Spoken Word, Percussion and Miscellaneous Instruments), Richard McGhee III (Saxophones, Flutes, Vocals and Miscellaneous Instruments). We would also include some special guests to enhance the vibrational atmosphere of the presentation.

Added by thebuttonwoodtree on July 6, 2012

Interested 1