1260 Branham Ln
San Jose, California 95118

Want to get your best body ever BEFORE the holidays hit?

Get to a lifeSport Fitness boot camp and get in the best shape of your life!

Our Almaden/Cambrian boot camp is a co-ed early morning camp that meets on M-W-F from 6:00-6:50 am

It's NON-STOP action and NON-STOP FUN!

Don't let the name "Boot Camp" scare you. We promise we won't yell at you--but we will encourage and motivate you to work at YOUR peak level in order to get the best results.

What can you expect from a lifeSport Fitness boot camp?
-Fat loss
-Leaner abs
-Firmer muscles
-Better endurance
-WAY more energy

In order to support you outside of class, all campers receive a 30-page nutrition manual and meal plans designed by a Registered Dietician.

Pre-registration is required and camp is filled on a first come, first served basis w/priority given to returning campers.

Log on now to register or learn more!


Added by CoachBecky on October 19, 2009

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