125 Grand St.
Hoboken, New Jersey

Looking to quench your competitive urge? Or perhaps you’re looking for something entertaining to do in your free time either alone or with a friend or significant other. Join an indoor golf league at Hoboken Golf. Different league types available including: 9 hole team scramble (All levels teams of 3 players,$99 per person) , 9 hole stroke play (Some skill needed,$169 per person) , 18 hole stroke play (Golfers who shoot 100 or better,$279 per person), 9 Hole Learn & Play (Intermediate Clinic, help given from professional during play,$159 per person). Have your own group? Call to start your own league or regular foursome. Hoboken Golf simulator leagues, perfect for casual golfers as well as for those who have a more “spirited” nature.
125 Grand Street
Email: [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.hobokengolf.com

Added by hobokengolf1 on October 6, 2008

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