1 College Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Join Charles Paquin, Archaeologist as he answers some of these questions: What is the perfect cooking rock? What do rocks tell us about how Native Americans cooked their foods and what foods they cooked? What archaeological objects are found in a Native American hearth? ECHO will be open for free public viewing of our exhibit INDIGENOUS EXPRESSIONS: Native Peoples of the Lake Champlain Basin: 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.; Speaker: 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Questions and Light refreshments: 5:15 – 6:00 p.m.

ECHO's Quadricentennial experience features archaeological and interactive exhibits, events, speakers, and a contemporary indigenous peoples’ Portrait Gallery, all celebrating the vibrant past and future of our Native neighbors. 1-877-ECHOFUN.

Added by echovermont on January 27, 2009

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