6712 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90028

Triple Feature: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, 1981, Paramount, 115 min. Archaeologist Harrison Ford battles occult-obsessed Nazis and former girlfriend Karen Allen as he attempts to save the Ark of the Covenant. Brilliant, non-stop adventure from director Steven Spielberg and producer George Lucas. [35mm]

INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM, 1984, Paramount, 118 min. Dir. Steven Spielberg. This time we find Jones fleeing Shanghai and attempting to help free a village’s children from indentured servitude to a maniacal cult. Before the last reel unspools, Jones will fight for survival in the nefarious Temple of Doom. [35mm]

INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, 1989, Paramount, 127 min. Director Steven Spielberg returns for the third entry in the series with Indiana (Harrison Ford) searching for his father (Sean Connery), a brilliant archaeologist who has been kidnapped by the Nazis. [35mm]

Official Website: http://www.americancinematheque.com/mastercalendar.htm

Added by AmericanCinematheque on November 23, 2010