40 W Houston St, #Pier
New York, New York 10012

There are two ways you could spend your 4th of July weekend night (it actually falls on a Monday this year), in a random park with hundreds of other bodies scrawled across the open field waiting for the fireworks, or aboard an exclusive ship in the ocean for the best fireworks display in the city! When the sun sets in New York City this 4th of July, this is one experience that you want to be a part of.
• An exclusive ship in the ocean for the best fireworks display in the city
• The complimentary 3-hour open bar
• Full buffet
• Living proof that there's a supreme option in town
You must be 21+ to attend this event.

For Tickets and More Information Call 646-397-7660 Or Visit http://july4thcruises.com/events-nyc-star-of-palm-beach-fireworks-on-the-hudson-cruise.php

Added by Posting Posting on June 10, 2011

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