The soapUI Team will guide you through the stages of how Web Services have evolved and how this has affected Web Service Testing.
* Look at the Ghost of Web Services Past and remember the dark ages of uninteroperability and how they continue to haunt us to this day.
* Meet the Ghost of Web Services Present and look at the horrors of Standards Creep.
* See the Ghost of Web Services Future where Business Critical ad hoc REST services rule supreme.
Finally, we will look into an alternate future where a common sense approach to Web Service testing is possible and an integral part of the SOA development process. We will also look into the future of testing REST Services; the When’s. What’s and How’s and give an unusually cool solution to the major issue that plagues REST Testing; “How do you test REST, when you don’t even have a specification?”
Official Website:
Added by Skills Matter on November 18, 2008