In this free session Ari Zilka shows you how you can get Network-Attached Memory as an appliance-like infrastructure service through Terracotta's JVM-level clustering technology ( You will learn what Network-Attached Memory is, how it works and how Terracotta can simplify the task of clustering an enterprise application immensely by sharing the heap of the JVM underneath the application instead of clustering the application itself.
JVM-level clustering can turn single-node, multi-threaded apps into distributed, multi-node apps, often with no code changes. This is possible by plugging in to the Java Memory Model in order to maintain key Java semantics of pass-by-reference, thread coordination and garbage collection across the cluster. Terracotta enables this using only declarative configuration with minimal impact to existing code and provides fine-grained field-level replication which means your objects no longer need to implement Java serialization. This session will show you how it works and how you can start clustering your POJO-based Web applications (based on Spring, Struts, Wicket, RIFE, EHCache, Quartz, Lucene, DWR, Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty or Geronimo etc.
Official Website:
Added by Skills Matter on October 2, 2008