1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, California 95014


October 16, 2008, 7-9 PM

Topic: One Laptop Per Child Update: the Smart Common Input Method and Other Recent Developments

Speaker: Edward Mokurai Cherlin/Czerwin (Founder, Earth Treasury)

OLPC has committed to replace the standard X keyboard mechanism with SCIM, Smart Common Input Method. This permits a single keystroke to generate more than one Unicode character. We have a new GUI keyboard layout editor, which will be made into a Sugar activity. Mokurai will show the state of language support, and give examples of SCIM and the keyboard editor.

We will also review the latest OLPC news, including the Windows XP on XO trial in Peru, and the new GiveOneGetOne offer, which will be available starting on Nov. 17, and will include the US, Europe, and parts of Asia.

Edward Mokurai Cherlin/Czerwin

[Check out transcriptions of Mokurai's name in other languages at his website. Yahoo! Groups choked on this...]

Mokurai volunteers at OLPC and Sugar Labs as a volunteer coordinator, localization administrator (Khmer and Kreyòl), and general knoker (an especially Yiddish know-all, the kind who did math homework in pen), based on
• his training as a mathematician, classroom teacher, amateur musician and linguist, philosopher, and Buddhist priest
• plus his lifetime of encyclopedic reading, many years in high-tech market research and technical writing, and work in Unicode and Free Software.

Video of Mokurai at Linux World talking about his take on OLPC and its potential to end poverty. Along with a few other requisites that we can work on.



Location: Apple Computer, Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino

Admission: $4; free for IMUG members


See links to Google/Yahoo/Microsoft Maps here:

Take the Saratoga/Sunnyvale Rd. [De Anza Blvd.] exit off 280,
turn south into Cupertino, go one block and turn left onto Mariani
Avenue, then take another left into 1 Infinite Loop. An IMUG
volunteer will be at the front door to escort you in and direct you
to the correct room (usually the Singapore Room).

Please arrive by 7:10 PM, as the front door to the building is not
monitored after this time.



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Added by jturley on October 13, 2008