1025 Lomas NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Our dear friend Devin (aka Maestro) is in town from Chicago (aka Windy City, aka Heart of Improvisationalizationism) As I type this, he's hanging out in my living room playing galactic conquest, or perchance/mayhap in the kitchen eating all of my hatch green chile.

In order to appease the Devin we must join together and form Improvius Prime, a bloated, multi-limbed, shape changing improv robut beast creature that will exist for only one night before disassembling into its original components - like a terrible flower.

World f'ing class improv comedy. One f'ing night. No f'ing joke.

Official Website: http://www.theboxabq.com

Added by nandroid2000 on September 5, 2007

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