257 N. 3rd Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19508

The N Crowd wants you to share a laugh at the Actors Center. They perform improv entirely dependent on suggestions provided by the audience. When you come, you're expected to have a slew of things to yell out when asked for suggestions.

Philly Style magazine called this show ''Philadelphia's premier improv comedy troupe" while the Philly Metro said that this troupe was "keeping Philly funny." In 2008 and 2010, The N Crowd was named "Best Comedy Club" by City Voter's Hot List. Get the best 80 minutes of entertainment that $12 can legally buy.

You can check out the official website for the latest news regarding shows.

If you like to laugh, then you'll love The N Crowd.

Added by BJDOCEVIL on March 12, 2013

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