2828 35th Street
Sacramento, California 95817

“MA ROSE” is written by talented playwright and educator Cassandra Medley, and directed by the Bay Area’s award winning actor, director, comedian, and playwright Donald E. Lacy Jr. Mr. Lacy is no stranger to the stage and was recently seen in the Sacramento’s debut of “COLORSTRUCK”, the anchor show of IMAGES’ 2008/2009 Guild Theater Inaugural Season. Lisa Lacy, IMAGES’ Executive Director/Producer and Charles Cooper, Musical Director team up, again to add their signature touches to the production.

Originally produced in 1986, MA ROSE is a timeless drama that unfolds by combining gospel music, comedy, and drama through flashbacks and the unraveling of buried family secrets to tackle the dilemma that families face, and address the decisions that must be made when our loved ones begin showing adverse signs of aging. On the surface, the family conflict centers around Ma Rose, the beloved family matriarch who is thought to be losing touch with reality, and therefore leaving her loved ones unprepared with how to cope with life, without her. Through the eyes of three generations of women (Ma Rose, played by Betty Cummings, Vera-Rose, her daughter, played by Lisa Lacy and Rosa, her grand-daughter, played by newcomer, Leah Albright-Byrd), we are taken on a journey scarred by physical and emotional abuse to learn that Ma Rose is not the only one struggling for freedom, forgiveness, and dignity. Rounding out the cast are Ricky Taylor in the role of Wayman, Ma Rose’s hen-pecked son and Etta Martin-Sikich as his busy-body and hilariously, funny wife.

Ma Rose previews on October 9, 2009, opens on October 10th and runs through November 1, 2009. Show days and times are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m., with matinees on Sundays at 3:00 p.m. The location of performances is at the Guild Theater, located at 2828 35th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817.

Tickets may be purchased online at www.imagestheater.org or at www.mycommunitytickets.com Online purchase fees will apply. Tickets may also be purchased at Underground Books (2814 35th Street), and The Culture Collection (6391 Riverside Blvd.) in Sacramento. Based upon availability, tickets may also be purchased at the door.

Added by Godskidisme on September 8, 2009

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