3210 Lakewood Edge Drive
Charlotte, North Carolina 28269

Image, Etiquette and Communication Certification Training Programs by Gloria Starr

Upcoming Training Dates and Locations
Charlotte, North Carolina
Image/Style June 15-19
Etiquette/Fine Dining June 22-26

Ms. Starr has worked with Destiny's Child, the Saudi Princesses, Google, Disney, corporate executives world-wide, all of the major Cruise Lines and appeared on the major television networks throughout the world. She is pleased to offer these Certification Training programs to become an image, etiquette and communication advisor. Discover the Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaire, Gloria Starr as she shares her knowledge and experience with you.

To meet the rapidly growing demand, Success Strategies is selecting and training individuals in our Impression Management and Etiquette training program throughout the world.

Traditionally, most individuals desiring a career in this industry have been unable to find a company that provides expert training, coaching and guidance with a success system for a prosperous start.

The Success Strategies training program is designed to give you that solid start with the key knowledge and tools needed in one of the fastest growing industries of this decade. Those individuals with the drive, desire and ability combined with practical skills and leading information can be assured of success.

Gloria Starr has developed this tried and proven training program that will capitalize on your strengths while learning the skills to master the consulting/coaching process and ensure that your clients are inspired, filled with knowledge and motivated to take action!

If you are unable to attend the above training options, please consider The Ultimate Color and Style distance learning System offered by Gloria Starr. Click here to learn more


Five days of intensive training on the core competencies in working with clients and building a successful business as an image coach and advisor.


Color draping fabrics for color analysis
Necklines for the style analysis
Color analysis palette and magna light
Five Star Public Relation Techniques
Personal Head to Toe Makeover for You
Investment Dressing
Polish, Posture, Poise and Presence
Complete Manual and Reference Guide
Laminated visual aids for color and style analysis consultations
Styles Package
Master Power Point slides for corporate presentations
Books written by Gloria Starr
Web site design, marketing and positioning yourself as the expert
Seminar proposals and outlines

Success Strategies carries a full line of cosmetics, hand painted silk scarves, color and styles packages for our image advisor trainees.

Small Training Groups at Head Office
Color Analysis, Wardrobe Strategies
Visual Aids for Color and Styles
Skin Care, Cosmetic Application Techniques
Clothing Personalities
Accessorizing for Impact
Complete Image Solutions
Personal Marketing
Personal Packaging and Image Enhancement Sessions
Training Manual
Core Wardrobe, Capsule Concepts, Patterns & Textures
Executive Coaching Techniques
Setting Fees and Gaining Visibility
Positioning Yourself as the Expert
Power Point Presentations
Master Copies of Handouts and Course Outlines
Promotional Photos
Business Etiquette and Dining Sessions
Savvy Networking Skills, Meet and Greet
CD and DVD's
Complete Personal Transformation for YOU!
The individuals selected for the training will have the privilege to market the products and services offered by Success Strategies to both the public and corporate marketplace.

The knowledge and skills you will acquire will be a powerful tool for:
image and executive coaching and consulting
clothing personalities to compliment the client
figure and style analysis
wardrobe assessment and client shopping
complete visual transformations
improving visual integrity in the corporate world
coaching and consulting with individual clients
Our Etiquette and Fine Dining program is five intensive days of instruction and hands-on learning.

Our Sultan Red dining room, formal dining table and sideboard provide the perfect setting for our Rosenthal and Versace china and your sessions on becoming an Etiquette advisor with master trainer, Gloria Starr.

You will learn:
meet and greet skills
shaking hands
invitations - creating, accepting and declining the invitation
American and European dining skills
formal dining settings and dining skills
place settings
tea etiquette
buffet settings
responsibilities of the guest and the host
seating charts
children's etiquette
email etiquette
PLUS marketing and proposal writing for your corporate clients
In your individual consulting practice you will assist your clients in business and social protocol, personal marketing skills and impression management. The personal development and growth you will experience through the training will give you the knowledge and skills to enhance your life as you impact others through your consulting and seminars.

The investment for the Success Strategies Impression Management, Image and Style five day certification program is $8500. US dollars. The training is conducted over five consecutive days in our Head Office in Charlotte, North Carolina and also includes three months of mentoring by phone, fax and email to further enhance the learning curve.

Or invest in both programs: Impression Management, Image and Style and Etiquette and the Business and Social Graces for a total of ten days of personal training with Gloria Starr for an investment of $16,000.US dollars and represents a savings of $1000.

In addition to the ten days of one-on-one training with Ms. Starr, your investment also includes six months of mentoring by phone and email to further enhance your business growth.

Additional value added: when you register for the entire ten day Certification Training, you may attend a weekend Finishing School as a guest of Gloria Starr. Value $3850.

Admission is limited. The investment is required to begin the training or to claim a position on the waiting list. The fee may be paid in installments and the training begins when payment is made in full. Because of the advantageous fee, all fees are non-refundable for any reason. There are no exceptions. The full and complete training investment is required 30 days in advance of the start date.

Graduates include Mrs. South Africa, a Saudi Princess, an opera singer from Korea and women from Norway, India, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Italy, South America, United States, Dubai, Australia, Panama Canal Zone and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

All graduates of our certification program will receive a Certificate of Graduation, which qualifies them to practice the methods taught by Global Success Strategies, Inc., and to purchase our unique line of cosmetics, skin care, color fans, silk scarves, styles package and other image consulting tools.

Upcoming Training Dates
Charlotte, North Carolina
Image/Style June 15-19
Etiquette/Fine Dining June 22-26

Please call Ms. Starr at 704-596-9866 to discuss future dates if you are unable to attend the scheduled training.

We currently have certified consultants in Canada, Singapore, United States, Hong Kong, South Africa, Moscow, India, Barcelona, Italy, Mexico and Korea. Upcoming training sessions include people from Iceland, Singapore, Sweden, United States, Norway and France.

Please complete the New Consultant's Questionnaire and then contact Ms. Starr to be interviewed for the program.

*All investments on this web site are quoted in US dollars. (North Carolina Incorporated company) All credit card transactions for the training investment will be confirmed by sending Global Success Strategies, Inc a fax (704-596-9108) as a written confirmation of your payment, intent to participate in the programs and to acknowledgment of our company policy.

New Consultants Profile Questionnaire to submit to Head Office.

Please register at the closest hotel or the hotel of your choice.
Lunches and coffee breaks daily
The training investments is in US currency
Consultants supplies available from Global Success Strategies, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is the income potential?
A. The sky is the limit. It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put into the business in the beginning to build it and develop a referral system. It is possible to earn 6 figures and more.

Q. Will Success Strategies do the marketing for me?
A. No. As an independent, certified and licensed consultant for our programs you will own your own business and you are responsible for developing your own database and marketing to them. We provide intense and thorough training on this subject as well as selling. You will have everything you need to get started and be successful.

Q. Do I have to quit my full time job?
A. No. We have many consultants doing this part time for additional income and gradually building a full-time business.

Q. What are the profit margins on the consultations?
A. Great question! I will provide you with the complete profit margin outline during the training.

Q. Is the tuition tax deductible?
A. Tuition and travel expenses are tax deductible. All expenses of continuing education taken to maintain and improve professional skills are tax deductible according to Treasury Regulation 1.162-5 Coughlin vs. Commissioner, 203 F2d 307.

Q. Is this a franchise?
A. No, your earning and growth of your business is all yours!

Q. Do you have products for the new consultants to purchase?
A. Yes, we carry a complete line of color coded cosmetics, skin care, silk scarves and image and style booklets and color swatches for you to retail to your clients.

Q. Is this a good time to be in this business?
A. Yes, this is a great time to start this business. The relaxed, casual look has gone too far and people of all ages are looking for the competitive edge in their image and manners. In my 25 years in this business I have never seen such a high level of interest as I am seeing now.

Q. Airport
A. Please take a taxi or car rental from the airport to the training location.

Please bring another suitcase or plan on shipping your training supplies home. Transportation to and from the Training Center: a car rental or a taxi.

Business attire such as a skirted suit or a pant suit is appropriate for the training days.

as an Image and Etiquette Consultant

The men and women selected will have a proven track record of success. They will be accepted for the training program because of their entrepreneurial qualities and their vision of success. Our selection process ensures that each individual, once certified has the best chance of success using our proven methods.


Small Training Groups at Head Office
Personal Marketing, Etiquette and Protocol
Dining Etiquette, Fining Dining
The Tools of the Table/The Tools of Business
Training Manual and Learning Instruments
Meet and Greet Skills
The Art of Tea Service
Setting Fees and Gaining Visibility
Position Yourself as the Expert
Master Copies of Handouts and Course Outline
The individuals selected for the training will have the privilege to market the products and services offered by Success Strategies to both the public and corporate marketplace.
The knowledge and skills you will acquire will be a powerful tool for:

personal and professional visual impact
building an individual client base
teaching small groups and corporate seminars
impression management sessions
coaching and consulting with individual clients
In your individual consulting practice you will assist your clients in business and social protocol, personal marketing skills, impression management and leadership. The personal development and growth you will experience through the training will give you the knowledge and skills to enhance your life as you impact others through your consulting and seminars. Success Strategies carries a full line of cosmetics, draping bibs, style fabrics and color books, silk scarves
and accessories for our trainees.

Success Strategies training is designed to
channel your talents into a very
successful, high profile career.

The investment for the Global Success Strategies, Inc. Etiquette and Fine Dining five day consultant program is $8500. US dollars. The training is conducted over five consecutive days in our office in Charlotte, North Carolina. Your investment includes three months of mentoring by Ms. Starr to further enhance the learning curve.

Or invest in both programs for a total of ten days of personal training with Gloria Starr for an investment of $16,000. In addition to the ten days of one-on-one training with Ms. Starr. Your investment also includes six months of mentoring by phone, fax and email to further enhance your business growth.

Additional value added: when you register for the entire ten day Certification Training, you may attend a weekend Finishing School as a guest of Ms. Starr. Value added: $3850.

Admission is limited. The investment is required to begin the training or to claim a position on the waiting list. The fee may be paid in installments and the training begins when payment is made in full. Because of the advantageous fee, all fees are non-refundable for any reason. There are no exceptions. The full and complete training investment is required 30 days in advance of the start date.

Official Website: http://www.gloriastarr.com

Added by Gloria Starr on March 10, 2009

Interested 1