2900 South 2nd Avenue
Pocatello, Idaho 83201

We will have an information table at this event at the Ross Park Blue Shelter. Please come by to get your questions answered, pick up your IDVA information packet, and meet some of our local families.

You are welcome to join our event:

Where: Pocatello Zoo- Ross Park

When: Friday Sept 21, 2012

Time: 11:00 am – if you choose to attend the zoo event

12:00 –noon- if you do not want to attend the zoo

Cost: IDVA students and prospective students are free to enter the zoo

$ 1.50 for any non IDVA student (ex: sibling) ages 2 and under are free.

$4.75 for adults

DETAIL: For those that would like to attend the zoo, we will start at 11:00 am- please meet at the front gate entrance to the zoo. For those that do not wish to attend the zoo please meet at the blue pavilion by the kids toys at 12:00 pm. Please bring your lunch so we can sit down and eat together and get to know other IDVA families in your this area. Later, we will start a kickball game and have a "GET TO KNOW YOU" scavenger hunt. New this year, students can explore new available apps in our iPad Center. We will have a teacher on site to help answer any schooling questions you may have. We will finish up with a treat at 1:00pm! Hope to see everyone there.

Please fill out this survey before you plan on coming to this event. Thank you!


Also, please download, print, and complete the liability waiver and the photo release forms that you can find at the website listed.

Official Website: http://www.k12.com/idva/event/pocatello-back-school-picnic-0

Added by K12 on September 14, 2012

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