9500 Sperry Rd
Willoughby, Ohio 44094

Join environmental photographer Adams for a slide program on winter nature photography followed by an exciting hike through the woods into the icy depths of Stebbins Gulch to admire and photograph the spectacular icicles and frozen waterfalls that line the gorge in midwinter. Bring a bag lunch and be prepared for wet, rugged hiking conditions. Meet again on Wednesday, Jan. 27 from 7-9pm to review and critique your Stebbins Gulch photos and learn some Photoshop tips for fine-tuning and sharing your winter photographs. This class is designed for people with a good understanding of photography basics. Instructor: Ian AdamsCode: ART 157Location: RCCost: $85 members, $105 nonmembers

Official Website: http://www.americantowns.com//events/ice-photography-workshop-with-ian-adams

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 2, 2010