N/A, Georgia N/A

As the planet becomes smarter, we have a chance to create meaningful progress and change the way the world works – for the better. At IBM Global Business Services – the world's largest business consultancy – we understand that real business value is delivered when business consulting is enriched with advanced research, analytics and technology. At IBM we have the unique opportunity to bring these elements together, enhancing the value we bring our clients.

With operations in 160 countries across 17 industries, you will make a real impact by solving complex business issues for the world's leading clients – helping them become part of a smarter planet.

IBM is hiring in Dallas, TX

Interview with us at our Invitational Hiring Event:
Thursday & Friday, December 6-7, 2012 • 10am - 4pm
Dallas, TX

Pre-Register at IBMexpo.com

Open Positions Include:
-Test Specialist - Test Execution - GBS-0518659
- Test Specialist – Test Planning – GBS-0518665
- Test Consultant – Mobile Devices – GBS-0514294
- Technical Team Leader - Test Execution - GBS-0518654

and more!

Let's build a smarter planet.

Pre-Register at IBMexpo.com

Added by TECHEXPO on November 9, 2012

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