45200 Little Lake Street
Mendocino, California 95460

Mendocino Art Center presents cellist Marcia Sloane and singer and writer Todd Walton in a special concert, "I Remember You," Sunday, December 7, at 3:00 p.m., in the Art Center's Main Gallery. The duo will perform from their collaborative creations, including "When Light Is Your Garden," a CD of original songs, and "I Remember You," a CD of Walton’s stories with Sloane's cello interludes, along with stories from Todd’s latest book, "Buddha in a Teacup."

"Marcia is a most inventive arranger," Todd explains. "And when we perform together, she provides such a fullness to our sound, I feel emboldened to play and sing with much greater ease and abandon."

"I've enjoyed creating cello parts for Todd's songs and stories," Marcia says. "When we worked together on our CD "When Light is Your Garden," I composed for as many cellos as I could hear parts for. Since we're not hiring a cello orchestra for our live performances, I try to capture some of that same melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic richness with just one cello."

Marcia Sloane began playing cello at age nine and has been performing and teaching for over thirty years. She enjoys both classical and non-classical musical endeavors and is the creator of "Cello Drones for Tuning and Improvisation," a CD used by vocalists and instrumentalists around the world. She maintains a cello studio in Mendocino and co-directs Navarro River String Camp for adult string players.

Todd Walton is a writer and musician, the author of hundreds of short stories and eight books including "Inside Moves," "Forgotten Impulses," and most recently, "Buddha in a Teacup." He has introduced his original writing exercises to thousands of writers, including inmates at San Quentin, through workshops and his highly-acclaimed book "The Writer’s Path."

For more information on the concert, please call the Mendocino Art Center at 707-937-5818 (toll free 800-653-3328) or visit www.MendocinoArtCenter.org. As seating is not reserved, attendees are encouraged to arrive early. Donations are requested. The Mendocino Art Center is located at 45200 Little Lake Street at Kasten Street in Mendocino.

The Sunday Afternoon Concert Series is made possible by a generous grant from the estate of Alysoun Huntley Ford.

Official Website: http://www.MendocinoArtCenter.org

Added by Mendocino Art Center on November 3, 2008