When: 11th of March, 7 – 9pm at Lewes Werks
Cost: £20 + VAT for cowerkers, £25 + VAT for everyone else
Presented by Rosie Sherry and Emma Wallace
A 2 hour hands on and practical guide to using the web.
You’ve signed up to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. You have a website. But what next?
Aimed at individuals and small businesses, this workshop will look at practical things you can do to help you start making friends and connections on the web.
Lets face it, friends are good for business.
We will look at your websites and your online presence and discuss ideas and ways of becoming social on the web. There is no power point presentation. We will be armed with a projector (and laptops if you can bring one) to show you step by step how to make friends :)
Workshop size will be no more than 15 people.
Official Website: http://www.schux.com/i-have-no-friends-a-practical-hands-on-social-media-workshop/
Added by rosiesherry on February 12, 2010