1323 S. 5th Ave
Maywood, Illinois 60153

Auditions will be Sunday August 2, 2009 from 4-7p.m. We are looking for male and female models ages 16-76 for our upcoming show in Chicago. There is no ht. or wt. requirements and no experience nec., any race. We love diversity and believe that everyone deserves a chance. There will be a $25 registration fee at the time of the audition. We are also looking for all talents, singers, dancers, actors, etc. Don't miss out on the opportunity to Let your light shine on our stage! We are looking for designers that would like to showcase their designs in our show also. For more info contact Doretha Buie at(800) 935-8961.

Official Website: http://www.iaminternationalpro.com

Added by doe_gurl69 on July 23, 2009

Interested 1