326 Reservation Rd Suite H1
Marina, California 93933

At Ron Berry Hypnosis we are looking for those who would like to be a part of our new Hypnotic Big O promotional video. Interviews begin this Saturday at 1:00. Give us a call at 831-582-9247 or email [email protected] to confirm your interview.
Anyone 18 and over can audition for the video. The video will be a promotional segment that we will use to advertise our new Hypnosis Audio Self Help series The Hypnotic Big "O". The Big "O" products are progressive relaxation CDs for women which help them to experience realistic sensual pleasures. The CD sessions are like romance novels on steroids in that through hypnosis, the fantasies within the story line can seem and feel very real. This is in no way pornographic although sexual innuendos and slang are used liberally throughout the story lines. All participants remain fully clothed throughout the audition and video sessions.

Official Website: http://www.ronberryhypnosis.com

Added by Cozy n Mez on March 3, 2009

Interested 1