821 22nd St
Denver, Colorado 80201

*It's time to see other people.....LOTS of other people!*

You've heard about speed dating. Why not check out this party on Wednesday and go on tons of fast, fun dates in one night?

What the heck is HurryDate, you say? It's a party where you'll meet tons of new people with the guys rotating from woman to woman every time we blow a whistle. You'll indicate on a SCOREcard whether or not you'd like to see each person you meet again, and we'll match you up!

Throw in a cool bar, great drink specials, and a fun, anything-goes vibe, and you've got yourself one hell of a night out after work! Check out www.hurrydate.com now to RSVP and to find out the full details on how it works.

When: Wednesday, October 25 (20s only!!)
Where: The Loft, 821 22nd St (22nd and Champa)
Time: Doors open at 7:00, HurryDating begins at 7:30.
Drinks specials: $3 you-call-it and $2 beers!

Online RSVP and pre-payment is required to reserve your spot. Go to www.hurrydate.com now!

Hope to see you there! Bring your friends!!!!

Cut to the Chase


Official Website: http://www.hurrydate.com

Added by DenverHost on October 3, 2006

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