567 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California 94102

Don’t have any programming experience? No problem!
Don’t know CSS? No problem!
In this 2 hour class we will teach you enough about programming that your comfort level with HTML5 will increase significantly and your ability to work with programmers will also improve.
If you want to start working on your own HTML5 projects then this class will give you some very useful tools to work with.
Programming is easy!
This class will set you in the direction to discover your own path towards a programming future.

Skip the happy hour and come to this class; your brain and liver will thank you!
Important Notes:
1. Please remember to bring your laptop.
2. Please come early; be here at least 5 minutes before class.
How to Register:
A. Please sign up on eventbrite: http://startupsaturdays.eventbrite.com/
B. If you are already on Eventbrite then please select the number of tickets you would like to purchase from above.
C. If you have an employer sponsored education program then please contact us at: [email protected]
We can work with reimbursement and employer sponsored educational programs.
Early Bird Special: Please check our eventbrite site for the early bird specials.
Important Notes:
1. Please remember to bring your laptop.
2. Please come early; be here at least 5 minutes before class.

Official Website: http://www.startupsaturdays.net/

Added by Startup Saturdays on December 27, 2012

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