25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, New York 10036

You know how to network, right? You attend networking events, you give out your cards, you call people to follow up, you're networking...

But are you building relationships?

The difference between giving out business cards and building relationships are worlds apart. Learn how you can develop the skills you already have and apply them to practical ways on how you can build quality business relationships.

Workshop Description
This workshop leverages your own skills while introducing ideas and strategies that can improve the quality and quantity of your relationships. You will engage in activities where you will test some of the techniques proposed.

Workshop Objectives
• To help you master the basic rules of developing long-lasting relationships that can be tapped for business.
• To provide hands-on strategies and techniques for developing and maintaining those relationships.

General Outline
1. Introduction to relationship building
2. Obstacles you face
3. Advantages you have
4. Basic rules of building relationships
5. Where and who to connect with
6. The importance of being prepared before you connect with others

You don't want to miss this career developing opportunity. These practical tools can be applied in developing new business relationships and to strengthen those you already have.

* This workshop includes continental breakfast

COST: $45.00 p/person


About Your Workshop Leader: Mariela Dabbah

Mariela is the co-author of The Latino Advantage in the Workplace. She is the author of Cómo conseguir trabajo en los Estados Unidos, Guía para Latinos, Ayude a sus hijos a tener éxito en la escuela, Guía para padres latinos. She has been interviewed by Exclusiva (ABC News), Directo desde Estados Unidos (CNN en Español), Negocios Bloomberg (Bloomberg Radio); Today in New York (NBC), EFE (Spanish News Agency); El diario/La Prensa, Hoy (Tribune), and countless other TV, radio shows and publications nationwide.

Most recently, Mariela has presented her workshop on relationship building skills at the National Society of Hispanic MBAs’ national conference, at corporations such as HBO, Citigroup, and organizations such as the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

HPNG runs monthly cross-industry networking events which feature a leader from the Hispanic business community. HPNG also presents professional and personal development workshops that address Latino-specific issues.

Official Website: https://www.acteva.com/go/hpng

Added by hpng on February 6, 2007

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