1214 Volvo Pkwy
Chesapeake, Virginia 23320

Have you ever had a vision burning inside to find the light quickly dwindle? Do you feel that life is repetitive with no true meaning? Do you wonder how some people can speak a thing and then go forward and achieve it in the next breath? While you sit with your vision day after year after decade to finally die from a lack of oxygen never to see it come to pass. 1/2 living life due to sitting in uncertainly, fear or procrastination or all the above--stagnated--finding it hard to live to the fullest. Longing for more but not sure what or how to achieve it... If this sound like you- come and learn how to pursue vision.

**$10 per person to include lunch and workshop materials.

Official Website: http://www.rescuedwomen.com

Added by rescuedwomen on May 22, 2008

Interested 1