1225 W Beaver Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32210

Internet Business Builder Seminars are unique, highly interactive presentations and group discussions engaging "the latest and the greatest" of Social Media Apps, Google Analytics and Ad Management Tools, Social Networking, Emerging Markets, the Power of Blogging and much more!

Network and conduct new business with many of the areas top internet professionals. Refreshments served. Participation limited to 40 people per weekly session.

Thank you for your interest in building a successful Internet Business. You deserve Multiple Revenue Streams. We are confident this event will enlighten and empower your use of the World Wide Web. Please be sure to complete the Required Registration Form by clicking on the link below. It will serve as your official pass for entry.

If you should have any questions please email Gary Brown at [email protected] or call 800.863.9130, ext. 704.


Official Website: http://www.blacksonville.com

Added by blacksonville on November 30, 2008

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