511 E. South Boulder Road
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Leverage your unique passion, expertise, skills, story, life experience, philosophy, process, and/or system… into a 1-of-a-kind business that lets you work with dream clients, have more time off, and finally stop thinking about money…

Did you know that it’s possible to go from zero to 6-figures or more in less than 12 months by starting a new coaching/consulting business… or by adding coaching/consulting to your existing business? It might be difficult to believe, but it’s true.

I’ve done it, and many of my clients have done it as well. It’s not easy, but it’s a lot easier than you might think… if you follow proven systems to help you discover and develop your niche, structure your coaching/consulting services, and attract new clients.

During this special workshop, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do… both online and offline (without experience, certification, or a lot of training). All you need is your expertise and a willingness to follow strategies that have worked for expert in every industry.


How to discover and develop your unique niche, so you can start getting paid what you’re really worth
How to develop the “X-factor” you need to get people talking (including the media)
How to set up and structure your programs so you attract more affluent clients, and have clients more committed to your services long-term
Strategies to help you get exposure (online and offline) so you can get more clients
Why you can start tomorrow without any experience or certification
How to give new clients more value (while you work less and charge more)

WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS WORKSHOP? Coaches and/or consultants, authors and/or speakers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, the unemployed and the unemployable, thought leaders and visionaries.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: An open mind and a willingness to work hard. Laughter during this workshop will be mandatory. No wimps allowed, and no excuses.

EVENT: How to Create a 6-Figure Coaching/Consulting Business
DATE: July 20, 2011 - Wednesday
TIME: 6:00pm-9:00pm
WEBSITE: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/546/how-to-create-a-6figure-coachingconsulting-business-wednesday-july-20-2011

LOCATION: DaVinci Institute, 511 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027

COST: $69, Members: $49, SuperMembers: Free

PHONE: 303-666-4133

TOPIC: How to Create a 6-Figure Coaching/Consulting Business
SPEAKER: Ingrid Elfver, "Celebrity Coach” and the Founder of Born Celebrity™

Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/546/how-to-create-a-6figure-coachingconsulting-business-wednesday-july-20-2011

Added by DaVinci Institute Events on June 26, 2011