123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia

When your customers express anger, seldom is it about you. But their dissatisfaction is often an accurate snapshot of how they view your company at that moment. And the way your customers feel following an interaction with you or your employees can make the difference between whether they choose to continue to do business with your company or take their business to your competitor. Join Marigold Consulting for an informative 1-hour webinar at 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, October 17 to discover how to solve this familiar customer conundrum. During this session, you will learn a simple, practical method to (1) calm down an irate customer; (2) resolve the customer service challenge effectively; and (3) preserve your business relationships.

Official Website: http://www.marigoldconsulting.com/AngryCustomersWebinar

Added by Lisa M. Newman on September 24, 2012

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