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Los Angeles, California

How to be a Client Magnet and Fill Your VA Business: the 3 Cornerstones of Branding

3-Part FREE Teleseminar Series
Call #3 October 19th 8pm EDT
(7pm CST, 6pm MDT, and 5pm PDT)

Whether you have years of experience or are just starting out, Learn how to attract & work with clients by clearly communicating who you are and what you're all about to your prospects!

You'll learn Five ways to Brand your authentic, true self from the inside out and why it's important if you want to attract your ideal clients.
You'll receive a copy of the Branding with Archetypes assessment so you can complete it and discover what your own Primary Archetypes are! Just knowing what they are can be used as a marketing tool, even without going any deeper.
For those of you who want more, you'll learn what's available in my Branding with Archetypes 2 part Intensive (created by Kendall Summerhawk) coming up in November.
AND you'll hear VA Sandi Silva's experience of what it was like to discover her own primary archetypes, and to do the Branding with Archetypes process to discover and express her authentic self from the inside out.

If you missed calls 1 & 2, no worries, you can still download the audios!

Listen to all 3 calls in the series. Here's what you get in Audios 1 & 2:

In Audio #1, “Cultivate and Present Skills that Stand Out” you’ll learn how to use and present your skills to:

Get more prospect interviews & convert more interviews into clients
Be better prepared for interviews and calls

Position yourself immediately as a business owner (not an employee) so the relationship starts off on the right foot

Present yourself as the polished and professional Virtual Assistant of every prospect’s dreams

Receive a FREE template of my Unique Compatibility Assessment (Value: $70!) to completely customize to YOUR market, clients and prospects (you can still receive this assessment when you download the call recording)

In Audio #2 “5 Step Process to Help You Identify Your Own Unique Specialty”

Capture the attention of your ideal clients and get them interested in YOU

Know exactly what to write on your website and promotional materials

Easily be able to create your own Unique Benefit Statement

Confidently present yourself in consults with prospects, knowing you have something special to offer

Be taken through a 5 step process to discover your own Unique

Specialty, and learn how to create your own Unique Benefit Statement.


Kellie deRuyter, Money, Marketing and Soul coach for Virtual Assistants and other Transformation Entrepreneurs

Added by Linda Belan on October 11, 2010

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