35 North Water Street
South Norwalk, Connecticut 06854

How Do I become an Actor?

What is a common dream for some, a career in acting is more realistic than you might think. There are plenty of people who have aspirations of being in the next “blockbuster” or starring in a sitcom or even Broadway Play, but have no idea how to begin. There are easy ways however, to ensure that your face is seen by those that matter, and that your talents are never wasted.
InterFACE Talent Network is an inclusive company devoted to bringing new talent into the books and memories of agencies, managers, directors, and producers. From the most preliminary steps onward, InterFACE is there to see you networking with the right people. Once you start your journey into acting with InterFACE Talent with your acting potential realized, followed by your necessary headshots taken, Hollywood or Broadway are right in the horizon.
Taken from its website, http://www.interfacetalent.com/creative.htm, the intricate and innovative system created by InterFACE Talent Network “has also revolutionized the way actors are promoted to the industry by creating promo reels, which are videotaped monologues showcasing the new actor’s range of ability.” This can be uploaded to the revolutionary tool, InterFACE Pages, which is an increasingly popular and user-friendly tool where talent is marketed specifically to industry insiders, giving optimal exposure.
While there are other ways of being “discovered”, and longer ways of getting the same amount of contact that InterFACE Talent Network provides, this is the best and easiest route. The aspirations of an actor or actress may seem far-fetched, but they certainly are attainable.


Official Website: http://www.interFACETalentGroup.com

Added by lady buy 7611 on June 1, 2008

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