3950 Canby Rd
Pellston, Michigan 49769

Holistic Health Day held in the mystic gardens of The Canby House...This outdoor event,(weather permitting) includes lectures every hour beginning at 9:00AM, vendors, pot-luck meals and good company. Area experts in the fields of Holistic Health & Metaphysics will be presenting lectures hourly for your education and entertainment. Featured speakers include 9AM: Peg Franklin "Lifefield Technique", 10AM: Laren Corie, Solar Building Desinger- "Understanding Nature for Staying Cool in the Summer", 11AM: Joyce Brown-Moore -"Being Present - BE-ing Here Now", Noon: Mary Jo McFalls, Certified Life Coach, 1PM:Angela Welch-Kumar, Certified Naturopath and Clinical Hypnotherapist - "Naturopathy for Total Health", 2PM: Ruth Grass - "Retraining the Brain for Health and Well-Being", 3PM: Jennifer Cupples: "Spirituality of the Soul", 4PM - "Mind IS Body: an exploration of the Mind/Body Interface, consciousness beyond clinical death, the chemistry of thought and the Brain as the Medical Final Frontier". Bring a lawn chair, wood for the evening bonfire and a dish to pass for a fun, casual day packed with Holistic Health information. Event is free - donations are welcome. Contact Jennifer Cupples of The Canby House at 231.539.8886 to reserve vending space.

Added by IndiaHealth2Day on May 7, 2009

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