903 10th St Sw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Everyone enjoys receiving and unwrapping gifts, and the animals at the Rio Grande Zoo are no exception! On Saturday, December 18, between 9:00 and 11:00am curators and keepers at the zoo will be spreading cheery holiday enrichment to the primates, cats and elephants: paper chains, decorated tubes, edible goodies and boxes wrapped in holiday style. Come see how the animals interact with their presents, toys and goodies. Enrichment projects are designed to offer zoo animal activities, edibles and new and unusual items that they don't encounter on a daily basis. Enrichment enhances the animals' routine, stimulates natural behaviors and encourages mental activity. Zookeepers will be standing by at enrichment locations to answer questions and explain the importance of enrichment for the animals.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 1, 2010