Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Overview : High employee turnover and poor performing employees are a well-documented cost to employers. Without a doubt, every employer seeks candidates who will prove to be top performers, and who will not only be productive but will also stay.

It is a well-known fact that it costs more to hire new employees than it does to keep them, particularly when we factor in costs that include searching, recruitment, training, payroll, benefits and other HR costs. Additionally, poor performing employees cost employers lost productivity, lost clients, ineffective teams and low morale. Retention and Productivity are therefore two key concerns in any recruitment effort. Research shows that candidates who are best matched to positions not only outperform their peers but also stay longer at the same jobs.

This session outlines key metrics to chart, gather data and create benchmarks for performance levels to help identify and recruit best matched candidates. Creating benchmarks based on metrics of top performing employees allows employers to avoid the traps of being deceived by embellished resumes and polished interviews.

Why should you attend: As the US economy rebounds, the challenge to source, recruit and select top performers takes center stage. As we start to see signs of recovery, and in order to capitalize on growth opportunities, companies must look to fill newly created or recreated positions that need to be filled. Not surprisingly, we also find a dearth of possible candidates that infiltrate the candidate pool, many of whom are ready to jump ship from other employers whom they had held on to for lack of previous opportunities.

But selecting the stars from a large talent pool is almost as challenging as not having enough to choose from. How do you differentiate between the likely candidates? How do you distinguish between star performers and the floaters who are simply testing waters until their next big opportunity? How do you hire employees who will contribute to the growth opportunities and increased productivity? How do you ensure the candidates you select are nearly as good as what they appear to be on their resumes and in interviews?

Areas Covered in the Session:
To discern between healthy and unhealthy turnover
Link between retention and performance, and its effect on the bottom line
To identify traits and competencies of your top performers
To create benchmarks of success
Ways to identify and retain your high performers

Who Will Benefit:
Talent Manager
Recruitment Manager
HR Management
Operations Manager
Hiring Managers

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on March 25, 2013

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