(Australia), New South Wales

Register at:

Kindly Contact Hillsong Conference for Time of Event. Thanks.

Official Website: http://www2.hillsong.com/conferences/hillsong2009/home.asp

Added by strongfuture on July 10, 2008



Hello, I'm part of a youth group in Antioch California,
This is our first time ever attending the conference and
was just wondering if anyone has any tips on fundraising,
booking flights, things to do in Australia, ways to find housing or timeshares. Any information will be greately appreciated!!
Thank you!!!


HI lanzaso_09, thanks for your comment. I do not have any experience regarding fund raising. I pray that the LORD will grant you His wisdom and lead you at the right place and right time, so as to be able to get to Australia. Amen.


Hi I'm really in need of 3 Hillsong Conference 2009 tickets. I will pay full price maybe even a bit more. I have reserved plane tickets but was too late on getting conference tickets, this is a once in a life time oppurtunity for us, please email if you have any suggestions to [email protected], Thanks, GOD Bless.


Hi .., I'm Indonesian stay at Jakarta .., Just wonder if anyone has any spare 2 tickets for this Hillsong Conference 2009, Me and my wife would like to join and experience the wonderful and blessed time there. We don't mind to double the registration fee. Thanks & May God Bless .... Bobby. Email : [email protected]


Hi .., I'm Indonesian stay at Jakarta .., Just wonder if anyone has any spare 2 tickets for this Hillsong Conference 2009, Me and my wife would like to join and experience the wonderful and blessed time there. We don't mind to double the registration fee. Thanks & May God Bless .... Bobby ... Email to : [email protected]


Hi, I have two adult tickets available for Hillsong Conference 2009. We only paid $155 per ticket and would be happy just to get our money back!
Best to contact me at [email protected]


G'Day. I am from SA and looking for 1 ticket for the upcoming conference. I can be contacted at [email protected].
Much appreciated if you could help.


lanzaso_09, this might be too late for you.
me and my youth sometimes try doing a garage sale, which also helps you get rid of the things you dont need anymore. My youth usually prepares meal after a church service or has a little stall where people can buy a meal or small snacks (my church usually loves brownies).

When you visit Australia, tour around the city you might love the Circular Quay where you will spot the Harbour Bridge and also the famous Opera House.


Hi all,
I've got 2 spare Hillsong Conference tickets to sell (Elective: 'The Musician & The Vocalist' and 'The Spirit Led Life'). Please contact me via email at [email protected] if you're interested! This is for the whole day conference (including the night rally)!



I've got 1 conference registration (and can possibly get 2 more) for sale. Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested



I have 2 Hillsong tickets available if any one is still in need of them or knows someone else who may need them. Available for discount price of $125ea. I go to Hillsong Church Sydney and am traveling overseas and can not attend. I can arrange for my sister-in-law to give you the tickets personally. My email is [email protected]

Regards Sam Khalil