605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

HIGHER ANIMALS play original indie-pop-waltz music written and developed by all four band members; their love of music and natural chemistry makes this captivating band a must-see performance. Mimi Sun & Orien Longo take turns at lead vocals and harmonies, while the rhythm section, with Alejandro Leon on drums and Roberto Muller on bass, fills their sound beautifully.


ROBERT DON wants you to bring your dancing shoes or prepare your best hipster head bob. This indie rock band consists of Wesleyan sophomores Robert Don (Guitar/Vocals), Matan Koplin-Green (Bass/Vocals), and the outrageously handsome Dylan Awalt-Conley (Drums).


GRAND COUSIN is a three piece alternative rock and/or roll band from Wesleyan. Evan Low plays drums, Robby Caplan plays bass, and Henry Hall plays guitar and sings. Their favorite word is “intrinsic.”


Official Website: http://www.buttonwood.org/event/triple-bill-higher-animals-with-robert-don-grand-cousin/

Added by thebuttonwoodtree on February 19, 2013

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