Aspen & LeRoux
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Did you know that it is possible to grow delicious organic
vegetables here in Flagstaff?

Learn the secrets that every wannabe gardener in Flagstaff
needs to know to start an organic garden and enjoy beautiful
fruits and vegetables. Join Jim Mast at the Weatherford Hotel,
Wednesday, April 18 7PM and take advantage of his Flagstaff
gardening expertise.

Jim Mast’s passion for growing things led him to become a
Master Gardener in the Coconino County Extension Service’s
program, where he is now the Vegetable Master.

The Weatherford has places for the first 60 growers who will
receive free growing hints and Botanical Interest seeds to
start their own garden.

Added by priyadrews on April 2, 2012

Interested 1